surprise ending?

i keep hearing a lot of people say the film has a SURPRISE ENDING. so, what do you consider to be the surprise ending? what part, what happened? i just want to know if i missed something.


I hear ya. I figured out it was her when he was taking those phone calls cause who else would it be, right? And then when they zoomed in on her hands you REALLY knew they were showing you those tatts for a reason, she would show up later. As soon as he wanted to "fake kill" somebody I just jumped to the end to confirm my suspicions. Sometimes being so brilliant makes it hard to enjoy movies. In that manner, I'm somewhat jealous of you normies.


It doesn't take brilliance, just a keen eye for detail or having watched a few "similar" movies before. Some people just don't pick up on certain clues even when cameras focus in on them and sit there for 20 minutes to ensure the audience sees it!



Being so brilliant. ROTFLMAO I guess you are so brilliant that you forgot that the first sign of brilliance is not saying you are brilliant. It is obvious.
You definitely are extremely arrogant though. That is another thing that is obvious.
I'm surprised you didn't add that you were in the top 1% of the Mensa Club also. Why stop at just brilliant?


No reason to have those phone calls that were never mentioned again prior to the "surprise ending" unless the person calling was the woman in the tape and the dead girl.
