I think you should need a license...
To make a movie, especially a remake of a previous film you should have to have a permit. Granted the first film wasn't without it's flaws so it certainly wasn't perfect but what about the first film did the new director and writer think they could've improved upon?
Shouldn't you have to be able to improve upon the original before you can provide a remake? Shouldn't you have to apply for a license to be allowed to do something so incredibly stupid? They let anyone with a budget and a camera think they're a Fritz Lang...
This movie did keep me guessing, though that is a strong word for it because I kept surfing the net while watching it. The movie was no "thriller", no "noir", didn't have suspense, didn't have drama, etc. With the exception of Michael Douglas (who didn't have enough screentime) and the staredown in the restaurant, the movie was void of most anything resembling acting.
Michael Douglas couldn't save this movie and I wished I hadn't watched it. I find it funny though that at the bottom of the page under 'Recommendations' the original isn't listed! The estates of the original cast/crew must've argued, correctly that this one sucks too much to be associated with the original!
A good fight is one you win!
James Woods as Eddie Dodd in True Believer