It's a bit like The Matrix in that regard - when you think about it, it doesn't relaly work.
I mean, do you really save a lot when you consider you have to feed, clothe, and constantly simulate the clones with all kinds of fakery, plus provide entertainment, atmosphere, etc. etc.
If you take every other expense out of the equation, then it becomes 'zillions of clonse and the faculty to store and keep them, plus the infrastructure and architecture to perpetually facilitate the ongoing process' vs. 'salary of an actual worker'..
I don't know, it seems like the salary would be the easiest, most ethical, as well as the cheapest, most direct route to take instead of this conspiracy-based, convoluted trickery, where so much can so easily go wrong.
The job is so simple that it's kind of ridiculous to have all this high-tech and computers, robots and systems that wouldn't be needed, if the whole thing would be automated.
And automation should be much easier and cheaper than this whole clone-thing, considering they're halfway there already (the extractor machines are already automated, so it'd be a small step to have Gerty-like robots do the rest, if the extractors could dock once in awhile or perhaps have those smaller cars automated to retrieve the valuable materials and then send them to Earth).
Think about everything that would be instantly saved if this whole thing was automated .. no atmosphere needed, much fewer lights needed, no air, food, temperature control needed, no computers, monitors, or even the whole base needed (or most of the living quarters anyway), no incinerator or the actor talking about 'incinerating'.. etc. etc.
The savings would be -massive-, in electric bills alone!