The Ending is Terrible
First of all, what a film. Absolutely loved it up until the "twist" ending. The buildup was brilliant! My girlfriend who hates generic Hollywood films (she did Film at University) was genuinely on the edge of her seat during any of the scenes where tension is building and was very much on the side of "what the *beep* is going on?" Which made the film interesting and compelling. Along with John Goodmans acting the film was turning out to be a 9/10...then the ending came...what the *beep* was that ending all about.
It's literally like the writers sat down and went "What's going to happen when she goes outside? We can't have the Cloverfield monster appear as it'd be too obvious to Cloverfield fans and an attack by a foreign nation is too boring...what shall we do???....Aliens!"
Which was a terrible decision, they either should have stuck to the whole Cloverfield monster thing OR have her escape with Howard still alive and the underground bunker still intact. She escapes in her suit and see's the world turned to chaos due to the devastation left after the Nuclear Attack against Clovie, realises (through visual imagery) that her only current choice is to essentially become Howards weird "adoptive" child (he behaved more like a man who wanted a daughter rather than a sex slave) or sex slave. Then have Howard come back and begin to drag her in as the camera pans out showing just how much devastation the attack on Clovie caused, then another "roar" from Clovie to again give us the "is Clovie alive or dead" mystery. I very much wanted the end (especially after I saw the actual ending) to be a "This is what the world is now, accept it or die".
Instead we have *beep* aliens who have the ability to fly yet can't chase a slower, weaker female human down, have trouble against plastic bottles, display their weakest spot for the human to take advantage of & get tricked by a *beep* car alarm. Just more *beep* dumb aliens vs lucky human, seen it dozens of times...IT'S BORING. As soon as the aliens appear, you know she isn't going to die, you know there is going to be some freedom fighter movement against the aliens, you know all of this as soon as the movie confirms the threat.
Plus the after-scene was so *beep* She's driving along and has to make a decision between
Route A = Literally nothing
Route B = People that will help you but you might to help them &/or fight Aliens
Woah what a *beep* of a decision that one must have been...god I can tell why she has such difficulty making that decision.
It had a very "I Am Legend" quality ending to me and that was *beep* as well. It had the standard "nothing bad can happen to the protraganist so she won't die and there's a solution provided to all her problems" *beep*
Final result: 5/10 (You can skip the ending and pretend they all remain friends in the bunker, that'd be a better ending)