MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity (2009) Discussion > Did it scare you? What age are you?

Did it scare you? What age are you?

Just indicate an age range if you want.

I'm 33, I was 33 when I watched it and it didn't scare me in the slightest.

I was able to rationalise that it is just a movie, because it simply didn't stimulate me enough to keep me engaged. I was trying not to speak during it because it was so boring.

If it was really happening to me I'm sure it would be scary, but the suspension of disbelief was not there. I found this concept in a movie to be a total failure.

So, did it scare you? and whats yer age?


I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake


27, Male, horror aficionado, scared the absolute bejeesus out of me


44, Male, freaked me out. One of the scariest films I've seen.


47, male. Couldn't get into it at all. Found it bordering on torture it was so boring.


I was 19 when I saw it; I'm 20 now and it didn't scare me in the least. I usually like these kind if movies, as I loved The Blair Witch Project, but this didn't do anything for me. I turned my phone and the lights off, I watched it alone - nothing.
It wasn't a bad movie, it was just nowhere near as scary as everyone had made it out to be: the only part that creeped me out was near the end, but I don't wanna say anything for fear of spoilers.


I'm 24 now, and I was 20 when I first saw it in theaters. It was honestly one of the best theater experiences I've ever had watching a scary movie. The theater was packed but you could hear a pin drop during the nighttime bedroom scenes. And it seemed like everyone would nervously laugh after the scary scenes.

I love this movie, I'm watching it right now on FX and I'm still freaked out knowing what will happen. I love being scared, and this was a refreshing movie after all the torture porn that's come out in the past 10 years.


28 now, saw it for the first time when I was 25. Great horror film, the ending always creeps me out.


I was in my mid 40's when I saw it and it creeped me out.


I'm 20, and was 15 when I saw it. It didn't scare me at all. I only got startled the one time when the chandelier shakes.


I am 29.. absolutely not scary. I have not found a movie in yrs that really freaked me out... Though I am still trying. I actually allowed my 9 yr old son to watch paranormal activity with me tonight after I viewed the 1st 30 minutes, I knew it would not even scare him. I don't recommend that for all kids lol, but he loves horror movies just like I did when I was his age and I never had nightmares.. like mother like son, I suppose..
