In the movie, the Segia Majora planetary system is 608,912 light years from earth. This places the alien star system outside of the Milky Way Galaxy in the middle of dark space, where there are no stars...
The diameter of our own galaxy is barely over 100,000 light years.
You’d think they’d do their research of galactic distances before putting down some random number like that. Andromeda, our nearest galactic neighbor, is 2,537,000 light years away.
I am not familiar with the film. However, from the data you list, could Segia Majora be a system in one of the small galaxies in the local group. There are a few close to that distance: NGC 185 the most likely.
Interesting. If I'm reading this right, NGC 185 is some 2 million light years from earth, however I found Galaxy Leo II which is some 685,000 light years from earth. Maybe these guys imagined the aliens from one of these dwarf galaxies, in which case it works.
And speaking of research... Is anybody actually going to watch this? Because I would like to hear some reactions. I saw Breach, so I am assuming unless someone I trust says otherwise--this is similar cheap, brainless crap.
Just about to watch this now, will let you know what I thought of it, asap (bearing in mind, I have a fondness for DTV-Dreck.......especially "cheap, brainless crap" and truth be told , I actually 'tolerated' BREACH, so be warned)
Oh, I understand, some of my favorite movies are cheap brainless crap. Breach just rubbed me wrong as something that could have been watchable--money wasted where a decent screenplay might have been enough to make it watchable.
First off, it looks much better than 'Breach' (which was completely set-bound, and cheap-looking) The CGI (especially the 'space' sequences) are just as good as any mainstream blockbuster. Having outdoor shots and different locations give it a wider scope and feel. The movie also has a good colour-scheme, and extensive use of lighting (neons, etc) give it a more polished look. The brief scenes on earth (with shimmering cityscapes and flying cars) look no worse than anything in Blade Runner 2049 (IMO)
Sadly, Willis looks really bored (and it sort of spills over into his line delivery) to be honest, I thought he looked a little stoned throughout (perhaps it's just his age?)
The pacing is slightly better than 'Breach' (minus a few 'talky' scenes at around the 15 minute mark) But once our heroes start their mission (at the 30 minute mark) the pacing picks up (although the plot is still a little sluggish) with too much build-up and not enough play-off.
Essentially, this is a (slightly) higher-end DTV movie (given Willis' recent efforts) Thankfully, he has a little more to do this time round (even if it's still his usual glorified 15 minute cameo) Like most DTV movies, the notion that the cast and crew wished they were somewhere else (given the ongoing pandemic) is likely a reality here?
Cosmic Sin (as a whole) doesn't quite gel (despite it's above average CGI) And despite it's settings, it still resorts to a climax in which a bunch of grunts have unimpressive (not to mention 'myopic') gunifights with Aliens dressed in (Power-Rangers style) armour. For budgetary reasons, the aliens assimilate their victims and therefore (by-and-large) take human-form.
It's a shame that the FX didn't extend to alien-design (even the aforementioned 'Breach' had a briefly-glimpsed creature in it's climax)
Whilst (slightly) more ambitious than 'Breach', this still *may* rub you up the wrong way....Primarily because despite it's improved on-screen bells and whistles, it's still ultimately another missed opportunity for both the makers and it's audience.
Hmmm... Well, I actually like some of those ghastly Italian space operas from the '60s, so maybe I ought to be a bit more open minded and have a look. Thanks!
Could not take it. I watched about a third before I started skipping over some of the bullshit. Then it all became bullshit and I gave up. I see fragments of Ender's Game and little bits of Starship Troopers and, probably, the recent Doom film. The scenes on Earth are odd. They claim a date in the 26th century, yet we have ordinary cars and a motorcycle along with those Bladerunner 2049 shots--which do look pretty good. And there's the weird scale... We know the distance to the planet they go to to three decimal places---13.368 LY while the aliens come from outside the galaxy--Quantum doohickies explain it all. I think it is more obnoxious than Breach. It really is a shame to see such nice FX in such a waste of time.