Mystery fail

Just watched it, wasted my time, gonna waste yours with my opinion now. mwaha.
Maybe because i've seen some other great movies this month, that can really be qualified as mystery, that i find this movie so very bad. I mean, everything was so predicable there was nothing at all to surprise me, and i'm not even that smart. When i watch movies of these genre i intentionally don't overthink details and let the storyline flow and amaze me, but this movie was just a depressing story about a man with deep psychological trauma, caused by his father, who ruined his life and the lives of people close to him.
Please enlighten me, where was the mystery, at what moment of the film did you thought 'ahhh this is mysterious' and later 'ohh so that was it then"



It's mystery. Not mistery.

A movie can be considered a mystery, even if you don't go "ahhh this is mysterious". The mystery signifies that someone goes missing. This film tells the story of the case. You could qualify it into a few different categories. I'd consider this a character drama for the most part, as the relationship between the main characters is the film's strongest storytelling point.

I'm sorry that you didn't like it, but I thought the first half was rather good. The second half sort of fell apart, though.

FYC: Best Supporting Actress


From what I can read and understand of your post you are saying this is a terrible movie because there is not a "whodunit" type of storyline? There are other genres of film, you know. Not every film needs to blow everyone's socks off and "amaze" the viewer with crazy Hollywood big box office story lines. This was based on a true story and more of a drama, with a small mysterious undertones. I personally thought it was pretty decent.

reply do understand that this was based on a true story? So it is what it was in real life, only embellished and filled in, I guess.

And there is a mystery. The case of the missing wife is still unsolved. Sure, we think he did it. But he's living in Florida investing in real estate, while no one has been charged with doing anything to her.

No one has been charged with the execution of the real life Deborah, either. It's a mystery.
