MovieChat Forums > All Good Things (2010) Discussion > What kind of family lets him do that to ...

What kind of family lets him do that to her?

Really you're just going to sit there with your gob open while this guy pulls your daughter/sister/family member out by her hair? I don't know about anyone else but if I had been in the situation, the David character would have been beat down. Ridiculous. And to think this happened in real life (that scene)?

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all


Funny, I thought I was the only one who thought that! How unrealistic is it that family and friends would just stand by and watch that happened. Especially her older brother. Could it have happened like that because they were all intimidate by him because of his power and influence? Still, can't see something playing out like that in the world I live in.

"Don't like me? Then jog on, my friend."


I expected her brother to jump up and do something, but I guess when people are caught off guard they are sometimes too stunned to react. However, my brother would have jumped up and beat the crap out of someone if they snatched me by the hair.


They were more afraid of him so they just stood there and allowed her to be abused that's rather sad.


I would have opened up a can of arse-whup on that dude. How could the family let that happen, such a shame. 7/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?



I was just about to post this question. I think that back in the 70's people just didn't know what to do in that situation.


I thought that was rather strange too. It just seems unnatural to have no one do anything.

My only explanation is that they partly knew she was unhappy and getting pushed around but that she couldn't leave due to the money. Maybe they were scared that if they jumped in they would ruin things for her.


How many people stand around and witness women being beat by their husbands, or boyfriends or witness kids being beat by parents.


And people turn their eyes away, alot.

Zachary Quinto is ridiculously sexy! Robert Downey pure sex!


Those weren't just "people", but family. Would you allow your sister to be treated like that? Older brothers tend to be rather protective of their younger sisters.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


I was shocked that her brother/mom did nothing in this scene, but obviously they are the reason why she had a sugar daddy type of relationship in the first place... it seems like Kirsten's character was taking care of herself and everyone else, and it was nice for her to actually be taken care of for once. I mean, her brother also didn't try to stop her from driving home drunk later in the film... it was like they all had no backbone except for her. She even looked like she wanted to avenge her dog. She was strong, her family was weak.


Ruin things? Ruining her chances of being beaten is not a bad thing.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


C'mon, really? Do you think everybody in the 70s were complete idiots? If someone treated my BROTHER, let alone my sister, like that they'd have been looking up from the floor.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


I totally agree with the OP! Her brother was a pretty big guy and he was sitting right next to her when David grabbed her! I can't believe he just sat there and did nothing.

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo


I agree with the OP. Some families are bad and somme brothers are bad.


Unfortunately when something like that happens so suddenly and so unexpectedly, you're so shocked that you can't do anything. Trust me it happens more than one would expect.

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Even if they were too stunned to do something that first time, what about later on? And what about the neighbours who regularly had Katie banging on their door/window after she was assaulted by David? So many witnesses and no one does anything--this is just as shameful as what David did.

"And all the pieces matter"


Good questions but people that are in abusive relationships keep going back because they still love the person or think they can change. It doesn't matter what friends and families do if the victim is not willing to file charges or leave the relationship. And you can't kidnap an adult and make them leave someone alone.

You can talk to, beg or plead with someone to leave an abusive relationship but until the person being abused takes some form of action, there's little to be done.

Some people get out before its too late and some don't.
