
I happened to look up the Wikipedia article on this film and saw that some people criticized it as being anti-semitic. I never saw that in it. Yes, David is Jewish but it's hardly playing on Jewishness as an aspect of his villainy. The criticism seems to be mostly that it's a negative portrayal of a Jewish character, particularly in a film populated mostly with gentiles. But some Jews ARE bad people and con men, just like some gentiles are. Is a film like Boyz N the Hood anti-black because it portrays black gangsters?

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


Funny how a movie depicting true events ends up being labeled 'anti semitic'.

The script is almost word for word the same as what the author (Lynn Barber) went through - lationships

This was also set fifty years ago, and reflected existing social prejudices against people who were different, be they Jews or non white people.


"Funny how a movie depicting true events ends up being labeled 'anti semitic'. "

How dare you?!

I think it's awful anti-Semitic of you to imply what you are implying! What's wrong with you???

Disregard everything you saw in this inaccurate film. Jews NEVER do these types of things, and this film is clearly propaganda. Jews don't steal, lie, cheat, or any of that nonsense! It's an impossibility! Also, stereotypes of Jews being cheap, greedy, or incredibly just more propaganda.

You'd better get your anti-Semitic rear-end into a more Politically-Correct pair of trousers, and fast!


And for the rest of you, if you dare EVER say anything other than praise and respect for anything and everything Hebrew in nature, there will be consequences!

Also, those stories you hear about journalists and researchers being blacklisted because they wanted to write about and/or research some aspects of the Holocaust which were supposedly either inaccurate or were being embellished/exaggerated, simply isn't true. Those people quit on their own, because they wanted to pursue very different career choices, as interpretive dancers.


Rabbi Eugene Abramowitz




The whole story is a "canard". The Jew uses blacks to drive whites out of that condo building the way the wizard uses orcs to drive hobbits out of the shire in Lord of the Rings. The moviemakers did their best to editorialize over this content, for example having the teacher cower in fear when Jenny retorts that Jesus was Jewish.

Pretty sure that was my comment that was deleted above, by (((IMDb))).


Now that's anti-Semitic! You say IMDb is run by Jews, not Bezos?


Just to play devil's advocate, it's possible that a movie telling a true story can come off as anti-semitic if (A) the jewish guy is the only jewish person in the film AND (B) an issue is made of him being jewish, even if it's not bigoted on its face.

And again, this is possible even with a true story because it's the filmmakers' conscious decision to tell THIS particular story and include THAT particular element.

It'd be a lot more obvious, I think, if David were the only black guy in the film.
