A Navy Seal's Wet Dream?

Judge Dredd-style judge, jury, and executioner. Killing own Federal men just doing their jobs (Talos), almost killing FBI Agent Mac with dirt avalanche via semtex explosion, and out smarting HRT (Hostage Rescue Team), etc. etc. Like a John Wick against the government. I can see why the critics were harsh on this show.

It's a pretty decent series I give you that but there seems to be no accountability for him even after Agent Liddel (think it was him) wanted to hold both accountable. The guys that signed off on this seem Republican (for obvious reasons) and Reece seems like another Republican that got screwed and went on a revenge spree Chris Dorn-mode against those that wronged him, even his friend Eddie. There is no jail for anybody with this guy, even himself.

Constance Wu played an amazing war correspondent journalist as well. You can tell she's already a kick ass (strong) woman by killing the assassin going after her (in a legit way) and getting to the bottom of her story at almost the cost of her life.

Will there be a S2 of this series? Looks like Oberon Analytics in Peru is the next target. More revenge killing spree I suppose? It's still a Navy Seal's wet dream of Jack Carr's because it makes him out wit all the other agencies at home which he's taken a war against.


Wasn't that the Seal Team show on CBS?
