Three episodes in....

And this is one of the dumbest shows I've seen. How is the rating so high?

I have countless examples of stupidity, but my favorite is the MRI room scene. [Spoilers] The plan is to make it look like Reece killed himself via gunshot. So they decide to do it as he comes out of an MRI machine, in a hospital gown, in a room where metal is forbidden. Genius writing.

It's also idiotic that the have Star Lord and Kraglin together in another show.


It's also idiotic that the have Star Lord and Kraglin together in another show.

Yes because it is impossible for actors to play other parts.


You don't have metal in an MRI room because the machine magnet is on. It was apparent the killers shot up the MRI machine and it was off. You can hear the whole thing shut down while James is lying in it. Also later on in the show they show the controller room and the machine was shot to hell.


All that's true, but my point is they were attempting to make it look like a suicide. For that plan to have worked Reece would have had to have the gun with him when he got the MRI in order to shoot himself right after. Going after him in that room made no logical sense.


Wow. Great call. I didn't consider that! Duh. I guess you could argue they were going to move him into another room, but that's flimsy.

While I had a few issues with this thing, honestly I loved it. I binged it in a few days. Incredible pacing, unexpected violence, interesting story, and I thought Pratt pulled it off. I really had low expectations after Jack Ryan and Without Remorse but it was engaging and fun as hell.


I'm only through four episodes, but I am loving it as well. I don't usually go for the action stuff, but this one is very well-made.

As for the attempt on his life, my sense is that when he came out they were holding him at gunpoint in an attempt to take him alive. Otherwise they'd have shot and killed him right there. That they didn't tells me they were either going to bring him back to his house, or stage something at the hospital, but he ruined their attempt by fighting back.


Maybe the ninjas wanted to make it look like a suicidal Starlord went into the MRI machine with the gun hoping to die because of the magnets and if that failed he would have shot himself.


That wasn't what they were doing at all. You had to pay attention, and think, but if you can do those things you'd notice that they did not shoot him right away. They appeared to be trying to subdue him, likely to either bring him home, or to stage something at the hospital.


Yeah, the whole show is full of garbage scenes that are so fake and unrealistic, and like so many action shows they kill off the women and the man has to become a superhero to get revenge. Like that has not been done and overdone and over-overdone to the point of absurdity.


It was a dumb scene for more reasons than you mention but if this is the dumbest show you've seen then you haven't seen anything on Prime Time. This show kicked ass, loved it.
