MovieChat Forums > The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) Discussion > The world would be better without Tolkie...

The world would be better without Tolkien having lived

First the absolute snorefest of those 3 movies about some awkward dude with awkward eyes and some ring. THREE movies of people WALKING!

When the first movie came out I gave in to the craze and went to the cinema to see it, I literally fell asleep within 20 minutes! I must admit it was one of the best sleeps I ever had though.

And then after 3 movies that non-director peter jackson still smells more money and decides to make even more of those terrible movies but this time with the Dildo character martin freeman that has a gigantic Backpfeiffengesicht (a face you desperately want to slap the hell out of).

Who in his right mind actually pays to see these movies?

So many lives have been destroyed by having had the unpleasure of watching one of those many bloody tolkien movies? The world would have been better off without Tolkien. That way peter jackson would have been stopped in his tracks after that horrible horror movie and become a burger flipper somewhere.
