Thank you Peter for the extended versions. And forgive me.
The Extended version of the Hobbit hit the spot right on.
I am a fan of Tolkien and his books. Not the kind of fan that knows every little detail, but the kind of fan that admires those who do. When LOTR came out I forgave easily the liberties taken and I enjoyed the movies tremendously. Their extended cuts even more so, and really the only way to go.
So I was very happy when I learned that Del Toro was not going to hold the reins of The Hobbit, and I was thrilled to learn that the old LOTR team would take over.
And as I watched the three movies over several years in the cinema I was gravely disappointed. Until the last one I was still defending them the best I could, but as the last one ended, I realized what a tremendous fail it was. A complete misunderstanding. I thought the liberties taken and the overall spirit of the whole book was severely lost. Even the essence of our dear Bilbo never quite came through. It was more a film celebrating Legolas and Bard than the Hobbit, and in so loosing what makes the story great.
I bought the extended versions before Christmas hoping but not really believing. Now, I am not entirely sure if it was the changes or simply watching them back to back or the mere fact that my expectations were low, but man was I entertained and man was it one hell of a ride....
I liked the liberties taken, I liked how LOTR was woven into the story now and I bought the whole Tauriel thing better. I freaking loved Bilbo and saw the respect for him which I think the theatrical versions lacked. For all my bad words and criticism in the last year or so, I take it back. The extended versions tells the story, and tells the story well. What more can I ask for?
I watched some of the extra material – of which there are many many hours, and I can see the amount of love and dedication the team put in to it. I see that they went over much of what I would have chosen and I see why they decided to go perhaps in different directions. I truly and very strongly appreciate all the hard work and what they have done to these fantastic books.
Now I realize that with the extended versions I actually got the movies I was hoping for; they gave me an honorable set of prequels to Lord of The Rings and an fantastic story to get lost in. All in all, thank you Peter and forgive me for doubting your intentions.
** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **