Hey butthead, get your facts straight
Dumbasses who believe that Wolfmen live among us need to learn some humility. Butthead? What are you? Twelve? Retarded? BOTH?
This whole nonsense was started as a hoax. There are no "sightings" that cannot be explained by bears, dogs, drunks, or more hoaxes.
But let's here your "facts". How many CREDIBLE people have had a credible sighting of this creature? I am not talking about seeing the many fantastic beasts that live in your head and under your bed,I am talking about being seeing and finding evidence for a living creature, the way they do for bears, deer, komodo dragons,you know, things that actually exist?
Where does ol' Wolfie fit in on the evolutionary ladder? Fossil records? Anything?
Or do you think it is a real lycanthrope?
Or have you just not thought it out that carefully?
That's why MonsterQuest had two shows about it
And what did they find besides evidence of a fake film.
I could say I've gone to the moon last weekend. Doesn't mean I actually did.
Let's see if I can break this down for you.
Story one....retarded, delusional teenager says he goes to the moon.
Story two...the people that made an obviously faked film of an obviously ridiculous creature based on a radio hoax admit they faked the film, and have the suit to prove it.
Surely even YOU can see how there is a different standard of credibility.
you cant always take somebodies word for something.
I love this standard you have. If someone claims to have faked something, you have this impossible standard of proof and huge sense of skepticism. If someone says they see Wolf Men in Michican you automatically BELIEVE.
I live about 3 hrs. from that area in Michigan. I'm planning to go there for a couple days this summer. I'll bring a camera with. If its there, I'll find it.
Oh this should be stunning.