I don't think it necessarily is meant to be taken literally. No, govts are not generally giving their residents kill pills, but they DO expect us to "just do as you're told" when it comes to societal expectations. "Don't think for yourself, just trust us..." When we KNOW that history has shown that our govts are not always (or ever?) doing things that are in their country's best interest. The writer of this movie is telling us that trusting in someone else to always do what's in our best interest has been, can be, and will be detrimental to us as individuals. The point is, doing as you're told without question is unwise, because the person who told you to do so may not have YOUR best interests in mind. It's our duty to responsibility to question things that go against our beliefs. Otherwise we can be led to do terrible things to ourselves, to others, under the impression that there's no other way, when in reality, there usually IS another way that's better.