This is not a remake

Copying a basic plot doesn't instantly make something a remake.If that were the case then i could call all the Friday the 13ths after part 1 remakes of Halloween.Or the X Files a remake of Kolchak.A knock off maybe but not a remake.The Karate kid was Mr Myagi and Daniel Larusso.Not some Janitor with crazy ninja skills named Mr Han and a small child who looked like he shouldn't be wandering off without parental supervision.


"Copying a basic plot doesn't instantly make something a remake."

Well if that were the case then the Karate Kid would've already been remade a dozen times in the 80s and 90s as there were all sorts of remakes.

But I always thought what made something an actual remake was acquiring the rights to the franchise. So if not a remake it was certainly intended as a reboot.


I'm sticking with knock off.It fits better.I can see why Macchio turned down a cameo in this.Other than the plot this has nothing to do with his and Moritas original.


Hmmm when did I last hear that... Oh yeah Ghostbuaters 2016..


They don't. But this kid, his race and even his dad's wealth aside, just can not act. This is why he has no REAL adult career to speak of today. Jaden Smith is 22 and his dad was already working full time by that age in the industry and was successful. Jaden's career is attached by the hip to his dad's and it's nothing to speak of these days.

Back to his performance i the film is was simply terrible. He produced no effort, he just was walking and talking and kickboxing.
