MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (2010) Discussion > The Karate Kid (2010) was really damn go...

The Karate Kid (2010) was really damn good. Surpasses original.

So, I just got back from seeing Jaden Smith's first star vehicle The Karate Kid (the movie had been sold out since the 11:15am show) I was truly impressed as I only went in with modest expectations. Not only was it a very good remake, it's the best movie so far this summer, and it stands on it's own two feet and surpasses the original in a lot of ways (which one is better will probably be generational. From the standing ovation these kids at the theater I attended gave this film I'm pretty sure from 15 or so on down, it will be this one.) But first off, let me start by saying this:

To anyone who doubts that Jaden Smith can act (which he ironically already proved in The Pursuit of Happyness), is a star, or deserved this movie: See The Karate Kid. I don't care how you see it. Pirated. Bootleg. Or the old fashion way (like I saw it cause I'm cool like that) by buying a frickin' ticket and sitting in an auditorium with a bunch of cheering 10 year olds (I swear I've never seen kids give a movie a damn near standing ovation like they did during this film's finale).

Jaden Smith has just silenced his haters. From here on out, if you don't like Jaden Smith: fine. Whatever petty reason you've given yourself to make you not like an innocent 10 year old. Fine. But you can't say he's not talented. Cause he is. If nothing has proven it to you before, THIS will. He carries the film on his little shoulders, shows leading man qualities (has a 10 year old ever done that?!?!? And Im being serious here). Has a ten year old ever acted in a film and not only carried it but possessed the charm, charisma, quick wit, comedic timing, dramatic presence and physicality of a hero all in the same movie?!?!? I shutter to think, I couldn't think of any leaving the theater. If they have, please point them out to me so I can say bravo to them to.

His performance was truly great and the fact that he did all of his own stunts and clearly learned kung fu and looks not only believable but in command of the craft is some sort of a mini-miracle. This little dude is miniature Will Smith of the highest caliber. He WILL be a star (pun, intended). Only thing can stop that is, well, him. Barring any personal issues, the kid will go far. Very far. He has it all. And as cliche as it may sound the biggest development to come out of the Karate Kid is that "A Star is Born". Don't believe me: watch it for yourself.

But I digress, I only spent so much time on the Jaden issue because all the unwarranted hatred thrown his way is beyond disturbing. I have never seen such vitriolic speech directed towards a kid in my life. Not even the kid from Problem Child and he was a certified a-hole! But anyway, the movie is good. Jackie Chan was surprisingly really good (and I mean really really good like Oscar-nominee good) in a dramatic turn as Dre Parker's mentor. The action was better than the original's and the heart and soul was just as engaging and entertaining. Though lacking the iconic "wax on, wax off"-moment what they do with "jacket on, jacket off" was truly surprising and pretty good stuff when you realize what Mr. Han was really teaching him. Instead of the "Crane Kick" we do have another pose and it's pretty damn good too.

To me, the original will always be special. I remember Daniel-son, and Mr. Miyagi is a fuggin' legend in every sense of the word. I'm actually utterly surprised this remake was so well made and engaging. Even though every one in the theater knew the outcome, everyone was still cheering and/or elated and moved by the movies "big moments". That in itself is pretty impressive. It's like if people were still surprised even though they knew who the killer(s) were in Scream 4 before seeing it. Could you imagine that? Yea, I couldn't either. Which is why I'm surprised at how good this remake was.

Go see it.


I for one can say that initially going into this movie I was truly expecting to scoff at how terrible it was going to be.

However, this movie floored me. It was amazed at Jaden Smith's acting ability and his great kung fu stunts. He clearly practiced very hard.

The dynamic between Jaden and Jackie was fantastic. It was one of the key elements to making this movie great.

I much prefer this movie to the original. Though I know the two are hardly even related.


I really would love if they turn the Boondocks cartoon into a funny movie. I think Jayden could pull off a good Riley. He is a good child actor, he was an annoying brat in The Day The Earth Stood Still, and just precious in The Pursuit of Happyness, and he was just so timid and adorable in The Karate Kid. He has a good career future within his own right.

" That boy (Jason Stackhouse) is sex on a stick!"



It was good.


But does it reprise that musical gem, You're The Best Around?

Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.


Nah, it didn'


No way, if they had, I would have been pissed. That made the start to the tournament, and its the ring on my celly.jk


Exactly, my point.






Damn good is right. This movie is one of the best of 2010 SO FAR!


I agree t-burke5, audiences are LOVING IT!

It's gonna make HUGE money.


Great post millennium.
Have you read "Mode One" yet? If not, what are you WAITING for??



why do posters who can't appreciate anything that isn't white on screen, even bother to post. I looked at your past posts and you didn't even need to bother. We can see what type of film someone like you would like based on your posts. So why leave your air condition cave to bash this movie??? Get a life?


okay firefx, I've been reading this thread, I disagree with most of it, I liked the new karate kid, but it's not better than the original. However your posts bug me, nobody, and I mean nobody on this board has said anything about skin color at all, so why are you insisting that there's racism when no examples have been given?


^^Thanks, ES.




Kid, you are a straight-up shill. That "review" of yours reads like something the administrator of a Jaden Smith fan site would write up. You've been lavishing this kid with praise for a week now, as if you were his online PR agent.

This "remake" is not even a faint reflection of the ICONIC original. And Jaden Smith is not a good actor. I wish him happiness and good health, but his acting was forced and not the least bit natural. The so-called chemistry between him and Chan does not possess an ounce of the charm and ease of that shared by Macchio and Morita.

And that car scene tried hard to be painful and dramatic, but it too came off as forced and contrived, failing to feel as true and authentic as the somber moment in which Mr. Miyagi drinks away the pain on the anniversary of the day in which both his wife and unborn child died.

Praise it all you like, but it is a flimsy, charmless imitation of the original and nothing more.


^^^Krypt, millions upon millions of people disagree with you pal. Considering people are LOVING the film AND Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan have been universally praised for their performances from critics and auidences.


You might not like it, Krypto, but I can admire the fact that you actually have a real reason for disliking it.




why is this movie 2hrs and 20 mins the 1984 version wasnt that long


to the OP...I agree with your review. Just wanted to add it's not only Jaden Smith who is launched as a star here. But also the kid who played the villain Cheng. He really made an impression.


Alot of you are saying that the fight scenes here are much better that the '84 version. Could that be because Kung-Fu looks better cinematically than Karate. Has Karate ever looked good on the screen?


I agree ednalyn99, Cheng was an awesome "villain". We're gonna see him again. Definitely.


The original was 2hrs and 6mins.

The new one is 2hrs and 12mins.

Not that much difference really.


I posted the lengths.


Cause it can be...



Thank you for the great review!


I agree with the OP, I think the movie rocked!
I saw it tonight with my husband and we both loved it.

And for the record, Jaden Smith is so dang adorable, and he's a good actor too!
Jackie Chan, who I've always liked, really impressed me tonight with his acting as well as his martial arts.
I wanted to hug him during the car scene, and the scene immediately following had me in awe.

I haven't read the rest of this thread, because I know there are probably a bunch of people on here saying "This movie sucks! The originals were better!" and yadda yadda yadda.
And those people are entitled to their own opinion.
However, I really don't want to read a bunch of angry posts talking about how this movie "ruined the classic" when it really didn't.
This one had just about everything the originals had, action, humor, drama...the only thing it was missing was "wax on, wax off", and I think that was replaced by the jacket exercise, which was effective too.

To tell you the truth (and I'll probably get flamed for this), I think it was good that they used an actual martial artist for the kid's teacher.
Nothing against Pat Morita, he was a great actor...but he wasn't a real martial artist.

I really like this movie...I like the originals too, but this one rocks too and should be judged on it's own merits, which are many.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Yeah, Amanda...the movie was great. Glad you enjoyed it.

I agree with everything you said. Great post :)!





Ugh, I hate that stupid little wise a$$ Fanning and her acting. Still, she's way better than this spoiled brat though.
