MovieChat Forums > Orphan (2009) Discussion > Should I watch this?

Should I watch this?

I know, its really up to me.
I'm asking because I was watching one of those "Top 20 Horror Films of the Decade" type of retrospect shows on Chiller, and they gave away the twist ending. So I'm wondering if its still worth a watch even though I know what the Holy Crap moment is? Or does it ruin the rest of the film if I already know?


There was this fire, and I had to save it from a baby...


Yes, you should definitely still watch. Although the twist ending is definitely one of the best things about the movie, it still has plenty more moments that will shock you and entertain you.

This is definitely one of the greatest psychological thrillers I've ever seen. Well paced, great acting, and extremely suspenseful and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Let me know what you think!


It's definitely worth a shot, see if you like the trailer, it does a good job capturing the atmosphere of the movie (something many modern trailers fail to do).


Amen to that, Eric. Many seem to do well though.


Absolutely. Now even if you didn't know the Twist, you'd know right off the bat Esther is evil. Otherwise we'd just have "Heidi." She's got to do evil things. Things that will earn her comparisons to cinema's first legendary killer kid-Rhoda Penmark as played by Patty McCormack. So you know there's going to be dirty deeds and maddening mayhem. But Isabelle Fuhrman is just so damn brilliant in her role. Your eyes are on her the whole time. I've seen some evil kid movies in my day and a lot of them fail because the actor/actress playing the hell child just doesn't generate any fear/sympathy/anything. But Isabelle knocked it out of the park, plus the supporting cast is top notch, the direction surehanded, and it fulfills the basic and most important tenant of a good horror film-dreadful, unspeakable things happening to ordinary, everyday people like us. Give it a shot if you like to see kids who can act.


Well and there's the deeper layer: she's not evil, she's ill and hurt.


The extra information that was in the screenplay that was posted onto the trivia section here definitely points in that direction. I wish there had been some way to incorporate that into the film, (maybe have Dr. Varava reveal all that to Kate in his phone conversation with her.)


And evil.


I don't think so.


YES, you absolutely should watch.

I spoiled myself...I found this movie in an article about movies with twist endings. It spoiled the twist, but not all the buildup and the actual climax. This is an outstanding movie and I still said Holy S***! at the end.


Yes, I think you should. I actually saw this in theaters and everyone was saying there was a huge twist, so me being the impatient person I am I read the entire plot summary on Wikipedia to see what it was. I still enjoyed the movie thoroughly knowing everything that would happen. I actually enjoyed it even more because I felt I was in on secret information no one else knew.

I don't know if you've seen The Bad Seed but the two films are very similar (only in The Bad Seed the little girl is really a little girl) so if you liked it you should like this.

