Similar adventure novels?

I really enjoy this series and seeing as how there dosnt appear to be any more on the horizen I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good book series that is similar in tone to these movies. Fun adventure in exotic locations, looking for lost treasures, or civilisations. That kind of thing (not children or young adults books either)

"If we can hit that bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards, checkmate"


The Seven Deadly Wonders by Matthew Reilly is somewhat similar.


Sorry this is a late reply and you probably won't see it - or maybe you already found these books, but there is a great series of adventure novels that are like this (and not children or young adult either), featuring a female protagonist named Anja Creed. The series is called Rogue Angel by Alex Archer (which is a pen name for different authors who write the books) - Anja Creed is an archaeologist/historian/adventurer who discovers a magical sword that was supposedly once used by of Joan of Arc and becomes Anja's secret weapon in her adventures. They're great books and there's a whole bunch of them.
