4 part documentary that was so slow, and finally at its peak, it falls flat. The guy is a bum, and its admirable that the women sought him out, but it was anti climatic.


Thanks, I’m trying to get through some of this but it’s moving so so slowly that it’s irritating... Constant “B roll” shots of buildings, people staring at shit & this lady smoking. Basically long shots of stuff with no dialogue just to pad the running time out so they could make it 4 parts. Think I’ll bail.


You arent missing much..... Better flicks out there to watch.


I usually don't mind documentary series--even ones that people criticize as being "too long and drawn out." But my God, this series crossed the F'ing line. To the point of it being insulting to the value of my time. I ultimately banished it to something I had on in the background while I was doing other things and its unnecessarily slow pace STILL bugged the shit out of me. Not to mention the ridiculously suspenseful music. Showtime sure is a shitty streaming service.


Showtime isnt bad...this doc was though.. Showtime has Ray Donovan, and the Girlfriend Experience... Check those out
