I wanted to like this
Can you explain it to me in a way that changes my mind?
Unfortunately, I cannot. I wanted to like this one too. being stuck on an island that is and all of its inhabitants are bound by a demon is a pretty interesting concept. I stuck with it until the end hoping that it would turn around, but it actually got worse in my opinion.
The problem I found with it was the dialogue all felt like filler and the entire plot is explained it a two minute monologue. The characters don’t listen to each other and keep repeating things. Essential plot points are mysteriously forgotten for no reason only to be remembered at the very end. It just comes off as annoying. That and the strobe lights during some scenes just gave me a headache.
I guess that streak of good movies I was seeing had to end sometime. For those thinking about it, I would recommend passing on this one. It’s a below average flick all around in my opinion.
I wish I could, movie had potential, but just kinda ended with several unanswered questions.