MovieChat Forums > The Ugly Truth (2009) Discussion > I couldn't get through it

I couldn't get through it

I know I am easily irritated, but I bought this movie (for about a dollar from a bargain bin) as some sort of test to get through. I knew it was going to be bad, I thought it would have the typical romantic comedy clichés and other horrible things, but I figured, I can at least get to the 30-minute mark before I want to vomit.

I couldn't get past first 15 minutes, the ... what should I call this particular monster? Hag would seem like praise! Let's be neutral and call it a 'wench'... the wench is just SO irritating!

Bottled water and tap water is the same, because they have done 'studies'? What studies? The ones she doesn't recite or refer to by name? I see.

Spring water and tap water come from VERY different sources, taste VERY different, and after you have only drank spring water or other good-quality water, you can't even SMELL tap water without getting a vomit reaction due to the strong chemical pungency!

The only way you can even drink tap water is you let it air out or distill it or something, so the chlorine and whatever other stuff they add in there, has had a chance to dissipate enough to make it drinkable. Honestly, water straight from tap would literally make me vomit, it's just too strong with chemicals.

Don't come tell me there's no difference!

Now, I don't know about american 'bottled water' versus some more natural countries' actual SPRING water - not all bottled water comes from a spring, of course, so there's that.

But that this motor-mouth-wench (and not in a good way, like Chris Rock or Eddie Murphy) makes SUCH a scene and holds up a waiter in a RESTAURANT and on a date - - I would've bolted around the time she starts talking about the height. (Not that women would ever date someone that short, unless they're very high in status, like a celebrity, outlaw biker, obviously wealthy, alpha, PUA, etc. - prove me wrong, look at women's dating profiles where they demand that man is 'at least this tall')

Then we get 'sad music' when she goes home alone. A privileged, high-paying, high-profile, upper class wench that could get laid 1000 times a day if she wanted to EASILY, whereas most very good, even relatively wealthy men just don't have any options, 'has to go home alone because _SHE_ ruined the date by BEING OBNOXIOUS and ARROGANT, not to mention all the aggravation she caused in others - - CRY ME A RIVER, and let me play this world's smallest violin for ya.

Then we have this TYPICAL scene we've ALL SEEN at least 800 times, where someone lies about their 'partner' that actually doesn't exist, and.. aaggh! I skip a bit and we're in some board room, then she tries to convince herself she's good, and I skip and skip and nothing but her complaining or talking about something irrelevant in the most annoying voice possible, sometimes in close-up..

.. I CAN'T DO IT!!

I am weak, I can't go through with it! They would have to tie me in a chair and keep my eyes open like in that Orange movie abotu Clocks and works, and I would still probably escape and risk having my eyes cut off than watch or listen to that wench blabbing and motormouthing nagging even one more second!!

How the hell do this kind of movies get greenlit?!

Phew.. I have watched some bad movies today, but THIS takes the cake, when I can't even get through it by skipping and skipping more and more scenes. I never land on a 'tolerable' scene..

I gotta stop buying these one dollar movies from the bargain bin!


"I knew it was going to be bad, I thought it would have the typical romantic comedy clichés and other horrible things"

Sounds like you came to the movie with pre-concieved notions that prevented you from enjoying it or giving it a fair shot.
