flaw: first ghostwriter's death
Great movie, but isn't there a logic flaw at one point? When the ghost is driving around on the island with a bike, he meets this older guy, who tells him that people with flashlights have been to the beach where the body of the first ghost was washed ashore. He also tells him that with the current the way it is, a body that falls into the water from the ferry could never be washed ashore on this spot (suggesting foul play). But my question is: The first ghost clearly is killed on the ferry, which we know from the abandoned car at the beginning of the film. A plausible course of death would be that the agents have thrown him into the water and that he has subsequently drowned (instead of falling into the water because of too much booze). But what the hell? It doesn't make a difference where the current takes you if you fall into the water or if you get pushed! Or is the suggestion of the movie that the first ghost gets drowned aboard the ferry and then gets dumped at the beach? Not very likely, I think. I find this sort of annoying in an otherwise great film. Or has anything escaped my attention?