1) Why she takes care of Boxer?
Because he represents Africa and all she wants to do is take care of Africa. She's apolitical.
I mean she should be on the side of the government
The government was tearing the country apart and the fundamental intention of the rebels was to drive the government out.
she is a part of economic elite
Her father's farmstead was a failure and her family was bankrupt. Did you miss the scene where her husband was forced to sell the farm (and he sold it for peanuts)? There likely was a time when the farm was a financial success, but when the film opens, that time is long past.
(2) Why the son helps rebels
Two reasons. The first, literal - the circumstances of his life pushed him over the edge, he....hated (I hesitate to say hated, I want to say he was confused, but it's probably closer to hated) the existence that was forced onto him, and wanted to destroy the farm to free himself. The second - the son represents the stereotypical young "bleeding heart" humanitarian from the West who sides with rebels for all the wrong reasons and doesn't know anything about what's really going on. I believe somebody on this board posted a more detailed opinion about the son being a metaphor for that, but I can't find it.
when rebels humiliated him before, by undressing him?
He knew and accepted why they did that, he knew he was a target because he was White Material, he knew they were angry and he knew that they were right to be angry
Why the son stuffs his hair inside that girl?
A bit of irony there. To convey to her that he was harmless. He shaved off his hair which generally signifies castration and loss of power. White Material not going to harm you. It also signified that he was going to join the rebels. Like PoppyTransfusion mentioned, there was anger there as well, anger at how he was perceived and treated by [Black] Africans and anger at being trapped in a situation he did not want to be in and anger at himself for being a lazy louse
(4) Who kills the son's father (rebels or soldiers) and why?
Answered elsewhere
(5)Why mayors militia never got them out?
Maria did not want to leave, the was the main part of the plot.......