Dushku is no great actress, but she is fit and nice to look at. Acting is tolerable. The story lines so far are great.
I had to stop Ep 02 and come here to post. The Target.
i will not give up spoilers to anyone who has not seen this episode. OMG! I did not see that coming. People who have seen this know what I am talking about. It was the episode about the outdoors, sporty guy with the compound bow and arrow set up. The scene I just saw was epic. I need to start paying better attention. All the clues were there. I just missed them.
I am picky. But I like this series as of now. Quality, color etc on the Blu Ray file I have is awesome!
Dushku doesnt get good until she ages a bit to 35years old in the last season of Banshee. She is a more mature actress there and a bit more interesting. SHe should be even better bt age 40...right where Amy Acker is now. Females are rocking aging pretty darn well in the 21rst century. Love it.
At age 40, Amy Acker is right at her prime. Same might be the case for Dushku. Time will tell.
You're in for quite a ride. Let us know what you think.
OK. I am up to S01E09 now. Darn good TV. I love how Adelle DeWitt (Olivia Williams) arranged for one of the male dolls to Gigolo her... for a while anyways. Raunchy fencing, then hot sex! Love it.
I looked up Williams's IMDB page early on and was so surprised. I did not remember she was the hottie in The Postman with K Costner. I LOVE that movie!
She is still HOT for no Botox and zero plastic surgery. Kept in GREAT shape. She has use of all her facial (forehead) muscles since she has not paralyzed them with toxins. Brave. I applaud her. I am not so young myself, so I have the hots for her now. What a woman! I dont mind a few wrinkles when it comes in a package like that! They had her in the most HORRID outfits for early episodes. WHAT were they thinking??? I am starting to see her in better clothing. Please! No more HUGE ruffled blouses!!!
Dichen and Eliza continue to underwhelm me with their acting, but they are so fit and athletic and nice to look at that I dont mind so much. Their acting ranges from mediocre to acceptable. I never feel that their skills are objectinable. Not ever. Just not as good as some of the other actors. The WRITING is great. The guy that plays Topher cracks me up. I like the Black guy who went on to play the FBI head on The Black List. And of course.,..who DOESNT love Amy Acker? I think she is also the secret and not so secret lesbian fantasy of MANY women. That is quite understandable. Amy is special. She is now 40 as of today and still has not peaked in her career. That was not so common a while back for women. Let's hear it for modern fitness, nutrition, and facials and cremes and ungents they never had years ago.
I was not the hugest Buffy or Angel fan. But I have really loved the rest of Joss's work.
I remember watching an episode of dolls a long time ago. At the time I had zero interest. This time, since most f my fave shows are on hiatus, I swore I would give DOllS a very fair chance.
Actually, when I strated with the unaired Pilot, I was pretty much hooked. Yeah, the ride is getting pretty crazy. I happen to love that about the show! Back with more, later.
Its a GREAT premise. Well thought out (J. Whedon had it all mapped out to 7 years before the first episode) There are a few cringe worthy episodes but as a whole I love it.
I think Topher made it so much better. Adele DeWitt was PERFECTLY cast. Even though I like many of Eliza Dushku's projects, I don't think she is a great actress. But a decent one. There are plot holes but for the most part a really entertaining show. However, I was VERY disappointed by the ending.
Also, The Season 1 episode 13 (1x13) is characters you never see in the show. One of them makes reference to Caroline, but thats it. Then Season 2x13 is the same characters mixed with the show regulars. I had no idea what was going on and I am sure I wasn't alone.
I know the show finale was pretty rushed because they weren't expecting to get cancelled, but that doesn't account for making the first season with unknown characters and then not airing it but adding it to the DVD.
Overall I really liked it. There are a few episodes (Mostly 2nd season) that feel like they don't belong, but as a whole its fun i'd say 8/10.
Also, when you are done with Dollhouse you may want to check out Stitchers. Not the same but similar. Don't want to give to much away. I also liked a show called Intelligence but it only made 1 season.
Just started the series myself. I saw the first 4 episodes so far. The last one I saw was when Echo was robbing the vault and she was mind whipped remotely through her cell phone. The mysterious Alpha has me intrigued.
Very good show so far......well.....except for that theme song. Ho-lee crap that must be easily in the top 5 worst theme songs in the history of television. ;)
Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?
Just an update. Ive seen 10 episodes so far. We watch it together when the wife and I have time so I cant really binge watch. Yeah the show is really good. I doubted it would work considering half the cast has no memory of what they did in the previous episodes. How do you make a good show with that? Man I was wrong. Im actually wanting to get out of work today just to see the next one.
Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?
If you like it so far, you are going to LOVE the rest of it. It just gets better and better,and roars to a finish. Come back and tell us what you think once you get done with it.
~Oh, I'm well aware it's not a picnic, Mr. Save the Day~ (Fitz, Agents of Shield)
If you like it so far, you are going to LOVE the rest of it. It just gets better and better,and roars to a finish. Come back and tell us what you think once you get done with it.
Several years ago I watch a random episode of this show and pretty much dismissed it. I do not even recall what episode it was. I just did not understand the show since I feel you really need to watch this right from the first episode, and then watch in sequence.
I saw Dushku in Banshee and was pretty impressed, so I thought I would give Doll House another chance. After all I am a fan of Joss.I LOVE Fire Fly and most of his other work.
I did my reintroduction properly. I got a hold of both seasons in HD and started watching. I think I was done with all two season in a week or 10 days at the most.
I thought the entire series it was epic. The level of acting got went from tolerable to great as the series progressed. Dushku may not be Merrel Streep (thank God) but she was so perfect for this role.
I found the final episodes unexpected, but oddly satisfying. The writers really took some bold chances and I loved the journey. I actually approve when writers go "off the reservation" but really pull it off so well, like was done for Doll House.
I will likely re watch the entire series with in a year or less.
Only one regret. I wish they had cast someone nicer than that very chubby, not so good looking actress as the neighbor. That role was woefully mis cast. The rest of the casting choices were perfect.
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Gotta agree with Preach on this. Mellie was just fine. She actually was an unsung better actress on the show, and didn't get much recognition. No, she isn't runway model thin, yet she is shapely and attractive. I thought she did a great job portraying all 3 of her characters. Madeline, Mellie, and killer Mellie.
~Oh, I'm well aware it's not a picnic, Mr. Save the Day~ (Fitz, Agents of Shield)
Miracle Laurie is a freaking GODDESS. Sorry, but if the Dollhouse were real and I could book an encounter with any doll, it wouldn't even be a contest. November, hands down.
I've seen Laurie since on Wil Wheaton's show, TableTop, and she's dropped some of the weight she carried during Dollhouse. To be perfectly honest, I prefer her build as November to how she looked on TableTop. But the difference is like preferring a peppermint stick in hot chocolate over a cinnamon stick in your coffee. Either way is a win.