I agree with what you say on the movie, although I didn't really interpret the blank canvas so deeply. I know many others who did, but I just saw it more mundanely and plot-related. It's his signal that he has no more assignment, that he is free to return to his own life once more. Maybe even that he has been so trained for his purpose that he lost his independence and doesn't know the assignment is over unless he is being told through his usual channels - somewhat like "Hitman". And maybe even giving at least a little more depth to the otherwise shallow story arc, in that even he who was "opposing control" is himself just an instrument, totally controlled by someone else. Sometimes, those who fight oppression do so only because they strive for the same power.
In the end, every movie is of course defined by the interpretation each viewer has of it. Those who want to become blockbusters have to stick to telling a straight story without loose ends, so that the number of people who don't get it is minimised. Others achieve a very good balance, telling a nice little story for those who are into that kind of thing, but also offer much food for thought for those who are ready and willing to look deeper into a film. These are usually the rare cases that are both critical and commercial successes. The Limits of Control is at the other end of the spectrum, it literally takes place more in your head than on the screen. That makes it a hit-or-miss for every single viewer, as even if you have an open mind about it there can never be any guarantee that the movie will mean something to you. But if it does, it has all the more potential to feel special. I can see how many people won't find meaning in this one. Just some of them make the mistake of applying their views and standards to the rest of the world. Predominantly on the Internet, and the usual IMDb forum trolls :-) I'm not as good at ignoring them than I should be. What bugged me though is how many (mostly American) "professional" critics didn't get it. Give an objective description of the movie. Then say whether or not you liked the film, and for what reason. But have the decency to accept that other people might find meaning where you don't, and give them a chance to discover it. That's the kind of competence I would have expected from movie critics.
Another way in which the movie improved my life: I no longer read professional movie reviews. Less time wasted, or more time to make up my own mind. IMDb user comments are much more insightful - the high-rating ones, as reviews of someone who didn't like a film tend to not tell you much about it.
Wow, I digressed a little there. Sorry for going off-topic.