Not controversial, not daring...
A black man from an unnamed African country.
Meets a Creole and a Frenchman, who assign him a mission.
Along the way, he meets a Spanish violinist, a British female artist/actress, an older British drug-taking guitar playing bohemian, an Italian nudist, an Asian science enthusiast, an Arab woman who is driving a car without a male escort, a Mexican musician, blah, blah, blah.
And in the end, he has to kill an arrogant white American male because of course they are source of all control and oppression. Wow, what a novel concept.*yawn* So now, everybody can make art, take drugs, be nude, play music, explore science, because "the man" is no longer keeping them down. Jarmusch must have been working on this script about 1972, the idea would have been fresh then.