Yeah, but is it Art?
This can only be compared to the type of art in which people either decide it's art or not.. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not considering or calling this movie art, but just suggesting that I see it as that sort of argument, more like; is it entertainment or not?
That's the world we live in.. Art isn't a definition, it's an opinion. Do I agree? Maybe, but I will sure as not disagree with it as I respect that form. The form that art is best; a favouritism rather than bound by popularity and structured by others.
If you find looking at concepts of that make no sense or have no real value (to you), then this movie will bore you and maybe possibly anger you that you spent (or wasted) your time watching.
This movie reminded me of '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1968), in which we follow a story from a limited prospective and just follow instead of get what we want. Which is action and the typical stuff that we're all used to seeing..
So there's no need to hate this or find this movie bad. Sort of like an amazing dream in which you wake up from, only when you try and explain it to someone that you realize it's not quite as amazing and kind of missing a lot of parts..
So what really matters is the feeling and I really did feel that this movie was sort of one those dreams... It was interesting and suspenseful, but had no real quality of being a complete movie.