Boring AND unrealistic, AND probably WRONG too.
Seems like the worst Jarmusch movie yet. Previous films like Down By Law I quite enjoyed: a realistic and slow and hence somewhat boring, yet artistically portrayed, prison escape story.
This film however is bad!!!!
The pinnacle of boring:
Watching a lead character who doesn't even talk or move his face. The sparse dialog is dumb repeated lines.
Entire plot of passing notes around (wtf?), pseudo-intellectual conversations, random nude woman, getting into building at the end
As already mentioned, the dialogue was pretty bleak... just a few lines of juvenile "wisdom" on art. I also didn't find this film anywhere near as aesthetically pleasing as some of his earlier ones like Dead Man. Maybe he should have used Black & White haha.
Finally, I think the film is wrong about control. If the point is that imagination is beyond external control, then it's wrong because nothing is original, anything you imagine is ultimately influenced and controlled by the external. If the point is to show the black man as an extremely controlled character, then I disagree with that as well... it's easy to shut off all emotions and keep your mouth shut.
But it's hard to figure out what the point was... or if there was any.
And yea... the repeated line about everyone being dirt is just pathetic. It's nothing new, and quite meaningless coming from a super-star director like Jarmusch.
"Among us there are those who are not among us" ... wtf? I guess saying paradoxical pretentious lines is considered artistic or something.
~ Observe, and act with clarity ~