''No Limits No Control''

There are those among us who are not among us.


This film left me deeply satisfied and calm throughout.
It took me on a trip through my favorite experiences of the personal fulfillment which I have received over the years from my love affair with cinematic art.

But I don't go to movies to specifically see only my own thoughts and visions.
I also go for alternatives to my own thoughts and crystallizations of variants!

That's where Jim Jarmusch comes in and he is so inspiring to my own creativity in addition.

I feel refreshed!


Not to be rude or anything, but are you sure you're not just refreshed because the movie lulled you to sleep? A good 90 minute snooze will do that to you, you know?

I ain't your friend, palooka.


Hahahaha, That is great!


You might enjoy the film Trans-Europ-Express (1966), which this film strongly resembles.
