Re-representation of reality
Throughout the film there occurs symbols of re-representation of reality, most notably when "the mexican" talks about reflections being more real than the thing reflected. The juxtaposition of real scenes with paintings also adds to this.
Does anyone have a clue what these symbols mean?
I found interesting quote by Bazin that may explain the use of paintings in the film:
"Painting was forced, as it turned out, to offer us illusion and this illusion was reckoned sufficient unto art. Photography and the cinema on the other hand are discoveries that satisfy, once and for all and in its very essence, our obsession with realism."
Could this theme be concerned with how we try and capture and control reality, while it is actually illusive and mystical? Does Jarmusch offer meta-criticism of cinema as a subjective/alternative way of interpreting reality (as "the blond" talks about cinema giving insight into life, and "the mexican"'s idea that reflections, i.e. photography or film is more real than the objective reality)?
I thought this was a interesting theme, albeit a bit ambiguous, anyone have any opinion?