At the end I got what it's all about..!
As a lot of you I had trouble getting the message behind this movie. It was fun, relaxing and entertaing to watch. But what was it all about?
Then, at the end, I think it's all about letting go of your false self, killing your ego. That ego, your mind made self that thinks it's in control of life.
Which is protected by a lot of guards and always is on the look out. (helicopters)
The limits of control shows us how we limit ourselves by thinking we're in control of the things that happen. Always judging, commenting on life.
On Bill Murray's desk (representing the main character's ego) there's a lot of equipment to monitor the world and a skull. The thing the ego is most afraid of, is (his own) death.
A lot of spiritual scentences are spoken in the movie. About people who think of themselves as something special or big, will end up int he cemetery. All we are, is dust etc.
The lone(ly) man is a perfect example of what one feels like when controlled by his/her ego. Always suspicious and alone. But when the lone man gets to see art, hears music or anything else which is natural, he opens up a little.
When he's "a sleep" at night, he looks calm and relaxed, with his eyes wide open. He does some kind of yoga excercise, to get filled up with energy again.
During the movie you see a character who always wants to be in control. 2 espresso's, seperate. No sex during work time. Always neatly dressed in a perfect suit. After he kills his ego, he gets into a sportjacket, reads the last paper with no text on it and then doesn't swallow everything anymore people tell him, but throws it away. Not seeking himself in opinions of others. Great huh!
Well maybe this sounds like a lot of b.s. to you but this is what "I" got out of this movie. At the end Bill Murray asks him "how did you get in here", the character replies "by imagination". Imagine life is just a dream!