MovieChat Forums > The Limits of Control (2009) Discussion > At the end I got what it's all about..!

At the end I got what it's all about..!

As a lot of you I had trouble getting the message behind this movie. It was fun, relaxing and entertaing to watch. But what was it all about?

Then, at the end, I think it's all about letting go of your false self, killing your ego. That ego, your mind made self that thinks it's in control of life.
Which is protected by a lot of guards and always is on the look out. (helicopters)

The limits of control shows us how we limit ourselves by thinking we're in control of the things that happen. Always judging, commenting on life.
On Bill Murray's desk (representing the main character's ego) there's a lot of equipment to monitor the world and a skull. The thing the ego is most afraid of, is (his own) death.

A lot of spiritual scentences are spoken in the movie. About people who think of themselves as something special or big, will end up int he cemetery. All we are, is dust etc.

The lone(ly) man is a perfect example of what one feels like when controlled by his/her ego. Always suspicious and alone. But when the lone man gets to see art, hears music or anything else which is natural, he opens up a little.

When he's "a sleep" at night, he looks calm and relaxed, with his eyes wide open. He does some kind of yoga excercise, to get filled up with energy again.

During the movie you see a character who always wants to be in control. 2 espresso's, seperate. No sex during work time. Always neatly dressed in a perfect suit. After he kills his ego, he gets into a sportjacket, reads the last paper with no text on it and then doesn't swallow everything anymore people tell him, but throws it away. Not seeking himself in opinions of others. Great huh!

Well maybe this sounds like a lot of b.s. to you but this is what "I" got out of this movie. At the end Bill Murray asks him "how did you get in here", the character replies "by imagination". Imagine life is just a dream!


I think it's partly that, but there's also a more political layer of meaning.

JARMUSCH: I thought The Limits of Control could be interpreted in two ways: as the limits of one’s self-control; and as the limits of allowing other people’s control over one’s -consciousness—which I kind of thought was a double meaning that was appropriate.

The film is also about imperialism, specifically American imperialism. Murray's character is authority in general, but I think specifically relates to the previous administration in Washington.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


Great, thanks for your reply. Later on I also thought that Bill Murray isn't named The American for nothing. And what about an african american guy playing some kind of james bond, not on his way to kill a bad Russian but a bad American :)

Haha great to see this movie keeps you thinking way after you've seen it. Tonight I'm gonna watch it again with some (conscious) friends and let's see which clues are revealed then!


I agree. Yes the "American" is the ego. I came to the same conclusion. However I think - all - the characters represent parts of the mind. I wish I could explain but someone keeps deleting my explanation when I post it. Our explanations are psychological explanations and to me Carl Jung is the king of Pscychology and if you are familiar with his theory you will see that all the characters match up with his archetypes. Of course Jim Jarmusch throws in a lot of philosophy and a lot of art and lots of artistic flourishes and a lot of style and a lot of cool but I think its all underpinned by Jungian theory. There again each to his own. If you're not interested in Jung you won't care but if you are interested I could try and post my Jung stuff again


from what i got, the main message is in the flamenco dance
"he who thinks he is bigger than the rest,
must go to the cemetery
there he will see, what the word really is... "
i realized this till the very end of the movie.
it's about the arrogance of Americans (mostly the government.
however, you can also see the US troops shooting in every countries,
seemingly for good cause, in many hollywood movies)






Wow, Jock, excellent A+ post. I agree with everything you said. Love De Bankole and the always great acting John Hurt.


[deleted] write some great posts for what it is worth.


@hoov-4: Bill Murray???


For what it's worth, here is what I got out of the movie....

1. Certain forms of meditation make you lose your voice and any interest in sex.

2. You really can wear the same clothes for three days and still look clean and sharp.

3. Double espresso's will make you crave a paper snack, even a small one.

4. Some guys have jobs that are even more boring than mine.

The End

Guns kill people, just like Spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.


Dry, Very dry.

But absolutely hilarious! I almost peed a little from laughter.

This in particular.

Double espresso's will make you crave a paper snack, even a small one.

The worst girlfriend I ever had is better than the best god I never did.


I agree.

Have you seen Antonioni's THE PASSENGER ? Very similar. Visually stunning cautionary tales.


I was in the same shoe, not knowing what is about.... till the end. In one word, is the stupidest movie ever watched. They really do not have anymore taste how to do a movie? The guy he did not wash himself ever and never slept.... Cool, I am wondering on what pills he was traveling all over Spain and not sleeping even a minute, just staring at the wall...Ooops, i forget, he was an emancipated guy with some special meditation form, which kept away even the stink of his body:)) Come on, better do some normal cartoons from all this money which is wasted in this not happening anything movie.




@hoov-4: You're wrong. People from Africa, Middle East, Asia, even former Soviet countries are dying to get into Europe. Have you ever been here? We even have transition camps for fugitives in Poland.

Ever wondered why the Lone Man had his assignment located in Spain?


My ego says your ego is wrong, nor is Bill Murray an ego beyond his own, nor is ego part of the mind, nor are we dust, necessarily, nor imagination, tho we are fleeting, yes. ~ Native Angeleno


Thanks for this. We had no clue. Even if not correct it is a great theory that makes total sense. Still an awful movie though!

