Roger Ebert Hated the film

Roger Ebert Hated the film. He gave it half a star.


Yeah a friend sent me the review. He doesn't really rip into it, he basically says that nothing happens at all. I'm almost more interested to see it now haha

"Happy birthday, Euclid"



Dead Man is actually funny though. There's almost nothing humorous about Limits. I remember smirking or chuckling maybe a couple times. Having read Ebert's review, he's pretty much dead on with his unique assessment.



Poor Jim...I want the best for you man! Michael Keaton just made a Great fugking film with human detachment and loneliness as an element running throughout...And all that loneliness is challenging... and then someone says something insightful, poignant, and hysterical...

Roger Ebert might not be the most mind-blowing film critic on earth, but when he gives a film Half-a-Star I know I'm not exactly paying to see the Stanley Kubrick/David Lynch collaboration that never was...

DVD...sometime down the road...for me…I guess.

I still Love you Jim!!!!!



But Ebert Loved Broken Flowers and Ghost Dog.
I really have to disagree with "populist"
and "incapacitated"....Ouch!

You're right though...the film really
deserves to be seen before it's
criticized!...LOL! Yes...








Most of Greenaway's recent work has been rubbish, and a lot of it hasn't even made it across the pond. 8 1/2 Women was really boring. I saw part of the Tulse Luper trilogy on Sundance, and I was surprised on how dull it was. I was really disappointed, as Greenaway is a great filmmaker. His early works are masterpieces.

As for Jarman, he was a wonderful filmmaker. Reportedly, Greenaway and Jarman didn't like each other or their respective work. I like both man's films.

And I actually met Greenaway once. Very nice man.


Peter Greenaway is brilliant!

I love The Falls~!
and many of his works...


I love The Falls, too.


Who the *beep* is Roger Ebert? Your guru?
Why would i care about what Mr Ebert thinks? :)
/from sweden with love


hahahahahaha. That's funny. I'm glad I don't look at his reviews before any film. I might have missed so many decent ones.

Not that I am not interested in his reviews, but certainly I have my own opinion and he has his. Or he has his own opinion and I have his review or...oh I'm too confused to think after seeing this film.

But, for whatever reason, I did like it very much.

I hope someone can translate LA VIDA NO VALE NADA someday.

...or did Mr. Ebert already get to that????????????


"La vide no vale nada" translates into "Life is worth nothing." It's also the title of a 1955 Mexican film (which I haven't seen). And it's also the name of a song. Given Jarmusch's frequent references to old movies throughout the story, I bet it has something to do with the 1955 film.

About Ebert, I've said it since the 80s, the man is an idiot. I just read his review of Limits of Control and learned nothing. He was apparently so wrapped up in his sarcasm & attempts to be witty that he forgot to tell us anything about the film except a 7th grader's plot summary.

I saw this film last night and didn't know what to think, but after reading Ebert's idiotic review, I'm convinced that it's a great film. All I know is that I have NEVER agreed with Ebert except when he slammed David Lynch, but I'm starting to think that was wrong too.

P.S. I just remembered one other time I agreed with Ebert. In his review of Dead Man he described the Neil Young "score" as "sounds like nothing so much as a man repeatedly dropping his guitar." Haha now that's spot on!


Ebert is an idiot. but this film just wasn't good either

nothing happens, and in a bad way (I could imagine films with the same pace but 100 times more meaningful would be possible)





He also hated Dead Man and after reading that review I lost all respect I had for that man. He's just too stupid for films like this, he didn't even try to get it.

This is not a signature!


this was the only jim jarmusch film i didnt really like... felt like i was missing something


KEYWORD: HATED, had he not gotten so bored to the point of "hating" the film, his opinion would not have been so biased. He liked Somewhere, another film where "nothing" happens. He should definitely reconsider his reviews sometimes, hope he's reading this cause this film deserves way better than half a star.

now this is acting:


ebert is an overrated populistic fvcktard


for Once i agree with Ebert, I didn't lie this film at all.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
