Some People Are Sick.

A few weeks ago I saw the Doctors when a woman asked if it,s safe to have her nipples pierced if she was going to breast feed her baby.First of all that,s self mutilation.Secondly if she,s so worried about it don,t pierce them in the first place.Also how could anybody mar their body and go through that discomfort for something that is truely sick.I really don,t know what is wrong with these people,s brains.The only thing that should be pierced are ears.Even though the doctors said it was safe,I still think she had rocks in her head.The doctors were probably laughing on commercial break.I feel sorry for that kid.


The only marred thing here is your use of the English language. Some people like certain things. How can you possibly support ear piercings when you yourself just called it self-mutilation? It's just weird to you. Believe it or not there are other cultures on Earth that would be as disgusted by ear piercing as you are of breast piercings. My recommendation? Don't get it done and/or don't judge others by their preferences.


Well if you,re supporting breast piercings then you,re just as sick and weird as they are.This young generation today has a disturbed way of thinking.


And their parent's parents said the same thing and so on and so on and so on.

You're just a prude and obviously inexperienced in the world. Some African tribes believe lip-disks are attractive. Are you going to say they are sick and weird when they have done this for hundreds of years?


I,m not inexperienced in the world but I sure know what looks good and what does not.


Subjective trash spewed in the form of grammatically inaccurate crap. Your punctuation is ridiculous. If you're going to speak to someone, try being legible instead of conveying your illiteracy to the keyboard. As for your complaint, it's ignorant and conservative. What you think is correct does not apply to everyone else; if I said all fat people were unattractive, because, well, I think I'm the author of all aesthetic fashion, that's my opinion, and trying to make it an objective fact would be scoffed at by quite a handful. No matter how much knowledge I possess, subjective interpretation cannot deem objectivity. No matter how much knowledge you possess on what looks correct or not, what you say can still be rebuked, meaning it holds no actual ground (though, judging by the infancy of your communication, I would be surprised if you were knowledgeable in anything).


There is nothing wrong with my grammar.However I will still stick with my opinion.These people who mar their body with tattoos and piercings suffer from a severe emotional problem.What are these people going to look like when they are old with all those tattoos and piercings! Some people either do it because of peer pressure which makes them weak minded.Others may do it to spite their parents by rebelling which is stupid.Yet others will do it because they actually like it which makes them incredibly weird.They fail to realize that some of these needles might not be clean in which they can contract a number of diseases.So you can criticize me all you want but I still say that the people who do this have something wrong with their brains.


Nothing wrong with your grammar!? SERIOUSLY!??!!! You use commas in place of apostrophe's, you don't add spaces after you start a new sentence. Your grammar is absolutely atrocious. Do something about it!

You may think they have emotional issues, but to them it's just another way of self-expression. And when you get a tattoo done professionally, the needles are clean. That's like saying the needles from a doctor's office are dirty.

And I say that you have something wrong with your brain! If you can't understand individualism, then you have some deep problems to work out for yourself, as it seems that you've adopted your own sheltered lifestyle and imposed it upon others.


That's bullcrap chroniacc.I'm not sheltered.The majority of people cannot fathom why these young people today would mar their body like that.They look ridiculous.If they want individualism why don't they do something positive and admirable instead of making their bodies look like a human pin cushion and an advertisement for a psychedelic drug trip.Face it,these kids today are weird.


I would rather be weird than judgmental.


Well well, look at this. You've finally managed to appropriately use apostrophe's, though you appear to be quite silent about this change. Next you should learn how to separate your periods from the beginning of your sentences.

The majority? Really now? I'd like to see this statistic then, because I call "bullcrap" on that. The majority of people possess opinions and beliefs, all of which have differing qualities from the next person. You don't seem to be able to comprehend this; you don't seem to be able to distinguish fact from opinion. I said you had a sheltered lifestyle because your surroundings are what raised you. You must have adopted these beliefs from the way you were raised.

And do you know why I so strongly disagree with your views on self-expression? It's because my opinion is different. Try to grasp the concept of subjectivity and then come back, because otherwise your conservative views will only act against you.


croniacc,the fact that you keep pointing out my grammar shows that you are a small petty person. You must be very young because only a punk would think that self mutilation is ok. You like tattoos and piercings that's fine but I would rather be raised the way I was rather than support these kids looking like common freaks.


I point out your grammar because it's really just horrid. lol, so don't try to turn the tides on me. I write coherently, you do not! And I find it rather odd how you bring up that I'm a "small petty person". Excluding how grammatically incorrect that statement is (seems you still haven't wrapped your head around the concept of commas), your refusal to accept anyone different from you is the base of your irony; you are the "small petty person" you have so solemnly made me out to be.

Am I young? I'll admit that I'm not particularly old by any standards; I'm in my teens, but my age doesn't really make a difference here. And ohoho, I "like tattoos and piercings"? See, this is the result of a naive and quite damaged mind; your assumption that I like these things is presumptuous and distressing on your part. All I've been defending here was the right to self-expression, not how "cool" and "hip" tattoo's and piercings are.

And it's YOUR right to think they look like freaks. The only thing I was alarmed at was how intrusive you were with this opinion.


Thanks for pointing out the grammar again teacher. I just can't understand how someone would want to go through all that pain by getting these tattoos and piercings. I even heard that some guys have their scrotum pierced.Tell me that's not a sick mind! What if they want to have these tattoos removed some day.What's that going to be like. Personally I think it's a desperate need for attention.


You've finally admitted it; you're right, you cannot understand it. I would personally never want to tattoo my body, or pierce it in odd places. Hence "I would never want to". This is my own opinion, my own desire, not the dictation on what should and should not be.


It seems odd to me because I can't understand why they would want to hurt themselves but you're right,let them do what they want to their bodies and we'll do what we want to ours.After all,it's their life.


To each his own. I have my earlobes pierced three times, and I also have my nose pierced, my eyebrow, and my lip. None of them hurt. Just a pinch. And if one day I don't want them anymore, I can take them out and the holes will close up rather fast. I have only one tattoo, on my back near my shoulder. It is smaller than my thumb and I got it because my siblings and I decided to get matching tattoos. It's very easy to cover up. I have seen people with some tattoos that I don't understand, but I don't judge them for it. I think we should be allowed to do what we want with our bodies, because we are the ones that deal with the consequences. I don't plan on getting any more tattoos or piercings. Some people are covered in them. I think that you should think long and hard before you commit to a tattoo or piercing and make sure you get it done by a professional in a clean setting. As long as an individual is legally old enough to make the decision, I don't think it should be anyone's business.


Look, you ignorant twit. Not EVERYONE has the same opinion as you. You are NOT the fashion/piercing expert in this world, so shut it. You have your opinion, but others are allowed to have theirs. So don't diss something you don't understand. Because that's all this is- a lack of understanding on your part as to why people like certain trends. It's called self-expression. Get over it.

~You sound like a country song. If you had a dog, he'd be run over by now.~


It,s still self mutilation and what the hell kind of jobs are those people going to get.No decent company will hire them.


If you cover your face, yes, you'll probably have a difficult time finding a professional and well groomed job. But if you get the tattoo where most people get them, places where clothing can cover it, then you don't have a problem. Most people aren't advertising their body art.

But people who typically are advertising their body art aren't looking for the kinds of jobs you assume they're looking for.


you're a shi ttroll and I get the last word. I hope you know that your face is mutilation in the worst.


Holy crap. Your posts are not only moronic, but also incredibly difficult to read. Like the latest trend of twits who type lyk dis an think its jus lyk the kewlest thang to do becuz edumacation is so overr8ed.

You don't have to be a Harvard graduate or a Rhodes Scholar, but, when it's truly impossible to glide on through reading one of your posts, maybe it's time for you to step back and spend a little less time judging others for some piercings and spend a little more time correcting your form on the interwebz.

On the topic: I have piercings. I've had just about everything on my body pierced. I've had my tongue pierced for 15+ years. Most people have known me for years and still don't know it is pierced. I have my nipples pierced. I also have children. Some people bring certain things into the bedroom to assist with arousal. I happen to have some built in. It assists in arousal and it is visually satisfying for my significant other. I dress fairly classy and keep most of my body covered up on a daily basis.

Not all body art is visible. Not all body art prevents people from holding down jobs. Body art is becoming more acceptable in society and you really don't have to like it. I'm not a fan of seeing the entire article of underpants on a male on a daily basis, but, it's the beautiful part about the free world. We can do stupid things like that.
Maybe I don't like the turtleneck sweater and knee-high socks that match your Bible. Ever consider that? Do you care that I am or may be offended by how you dress to express yourself? Probably not.
For the record, you cannot have your double-standard. You cannot bash on body modifications and say that ear piercing is fine. If it is religiously-influenced, you're very much in the wrong with your ear piercing approval. ANY and all body modification is unacceptable. If it is a personal belief, I find ear spacing to be disgusting looking. But, if that is how someone chooses to express themselves, they're free to do so.
Nipple rings aren't hurting you. They're not offending you. People aren't going to live their lives according to how you want them to. You don't have to like it, but it's a bit like oral sex -- you don't have to see it, you don't have to practice it, but other people enjoy the hell out of it and maybe you need to focus your hatred for things that make a bit more sense.


