Dr Lisa

Did she leave the show? I watched Tuesday's episode and she wasn't on and also was not featured in the opening credits. Doctors Laura Berman and Rachel Ross were on instead.


Yeah I noticed Dr.Lisa is gone too. I guess they changed the cast to improve ratings?


Didn't realize it until I read her twitter that Dr Jim is gone too.


Jim's not gone -- he's on today's show. The only one who left is Lisa. And from what it looks like, they're showing at the beginning of the program, the doctors who are on the episode of the day. So they're rotating everyone. I'm kinda glad Lisa's gone. I wasn't a fan...


I assume it was due to low ratings. Dr.Oz's show has gotten worse too.

Maybe they should rethink doing a show every day. You run out of things to talk about. Once a week would be better.


I find both shows to be pretty junky -- they're big advertisements and endorsements for whatever product/project/promo they're pushing that day. It's medical porn, bottom line.

You're right. A weekly show w/ more valid medical info and less bullsh. would be better.



I don't think Dr.Sears was on today's show.

Just Travis, the plastic surgeon, and the 2 new female doctors. I wonder if they purposely put a black female there because otherwise some may scream racism with Dr.Lisa gone?


I wonder if they purposely put a black female there because otherwise some may scream racism with Dr.Lisa gone?

Who cares? Regardless of race, Dr. Rachael Ross is a perfect choice to pick up Dr. Lisa's baton, though I will definitely miss her.


I much prefer Rachael over frozen face Lisa.

Roger Ebert 1942-2013


I haven't seen Dr. Jim in a long time. Too bad; I liked him.


Both of these shows have a lot of celebrities on discussing their health issues. It's probably filler for lack of topics.

I don't watch the show (or Dr Oz) everyday unless there's a topic on I'm interested in. I have to say I don't miss Dr Lisa. She was annoying with the "pregnant women this and pregnant woman that" after every topic. I actually don't mind the the other two female MDs.


So Rachel is the new African-American woman with the great legs? What is with that blonde sh*t in her hair!?

