Way, way too long
This should have been ninety-minutes tops.
shareSomewhat concur. This is a movie that, to my mind, feels like it should be longer than 100 mins. The final product, however, has a number of scenes that go on a little too long and basically serve no purpose to the story. Things also get pretty melodramatic.
Interesting effort from Scorsese and it does work as a mood piece, but maybe it could’ve worked better and be more effective with a shorter running time.
There's so much filler, silence, non-dialogue, stupid, prolonged 'dream-sequences', and other things that do not add anything to the story or explain anything that could easily be left out.
This movie has about 30 minutes worth of story, if that. It's just full of 'twist-movie-clichés' that make no sense. I guess people that make these movies think that because there's a twist, they can throw ANY old nonsense anywhere in the movie and create a dozen unresolved mysteries and it'll be a sign of genius and brilliance, when all it really is is lazy writing.
It's like Seinfeld.. why didn't the woman eat the pie? Why did the other woman always wear the same shirt? Why did the yet other woman never get any calls or have any social life although she was pretty and fun to be with... don't know, because it's not explained. It's just easier to write a mystery and go home than write a mystery, write plausible explanation for it, then resolve it in an interesting way.
This movie is filled with the Seinfeld-syndrome.. it's ridiculous that people debate about this or that theory, that just means the movie failed to GIVE you a story you can accept and that makes sense with what's shown.
This movie wouldn't even be a passable Twilight Zone or Outer Limits-episode, it'd probably be too long even if it was cut down to 30 minutes, because there's not much story here.
nah... the duration was good... I liked that they didn't rush it and had enough scenes in there to develop a mood...