MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Up (2021) Discussion > Don't Look Up is the beginning of a mass...

Don't Look Up is the beginning of a mass awakening?

After recommending this film to many of my friends I asked them to tell me how they felt afterwards. The large response they gave was a huge sense of derealisation, a feeling where they felt they had to call their family and tell them they love them or the sense that everything is insignificant yet our actions are so impactful.

For me, I know I look at the world through the lens of 'optimistic nihilism.' Nihilism is the idea that nothing matters yet seeing that in a positive way. This film really emphasized this, the ending showing a compilation of all parts of life, babies crying, tribes, animals mating, trains running etc as the world suddenly ends with a meteor strike. The idea that everything on this earth can all disappear in the split second and it is out of our control. It makes me realise the insignificance of everything around us.

I'm not sure if this is the same perspective that other people got while watching this film but if it is I believe it could act as a catalyst to wake us up to the world we live in. The film dramatizes the foolery of dumb politicians, people who believe everything they see on social media and mindless celebrities. The dramatization of these characters will hopefully allow viewers to see the stupidity in their own actions. Where subliminal messages are found in mainstream pop music where we hear the song 'Just look up.'

It pokes fun at humanity with the hope that we start believing the scientists who warn us about the world we live in. In this film, the idea was that the meteor was going to hit the earth and they had the proof, yet people still refused to believe. This matches directly to the global warming crisis in our own world that many of us do not take seriously yet we have proof of the extreme dangers this is going to cause our world.

So to question do you guys believe that this film and the sudden ending of the world makes you feel insignificant in the fact that anything can end at any given point or does it make you feel like you need to make a change to the world. Some viewers may see this as a wake-up call to take action and start listening to the facts scientists are telling us. Im interested to know!


Can you edit your post and split that up into paragraphs?

Kinda hard to read...


done :)
