Dicaprio's fading looks

i'm just gonna say this... it's indeed a fact that leonardo dicaprio was a fox in his 20's and 30's. But can we please stop pretending and feigning that he's remained that blonde hunk to this day. There's nothing wrong with aging, everyone will do it. But dicaprio just hasn't aged that attractively. Let's just admit it. He's in no way ugly or unattractive now. But he's not overtly appealing or sexy. Take away his fame, celebrity and wealth, and truly ask yourself if your reaction would be a drooling one. Why does hollywood do this? No wonder celebrities become so full of themselves. Not only are we giving them great wealth and status, but we're constantl;y telling them how amazing, perfect and "genius" they are. Dicaprio has gotten pudgy, soft, doughy, paunchy, with a constant bad choice of haircut. No wonder he's able to jump from model to model to model.
They're strictly the only women he dates.
I'm not saying he's bad looking, but that he's just not hot anymore. That's fine. And I wish movies would stop putting celebrities like him in a position where he's constantly being told how stunning he is.

Contrary opinion though. I was actually really surprised that that was actually Cate Blanchett. I didn't believe it for a while. Thinking she must be some other character in the film. Cause I'd seen her recently and she certainly looks older than she was able to pull off in this movie. So, props to her.
