They're more scared of a comet than Leo's giant head?
That's so unrealistic.
shareIt's more unrealistic that at no point in the movie does Leo ever eat a 20 year old girl's pussy
shareHaha yuh
shareDon't fault a man for having good taste.
Absolutely not. Of course he shouldn’t.
Why the hell would a man of his incredible value date woman closer to his age who are (with all due respect) past their prime when he could have a hotter younger girl?! Woman aged between 18-26 is when their dating value is the highest. And that is a fact.
Your post just reeks of jealousy and is completely asinine. For many reasons.
I wonder if you've ever been on a date if you truly believe that women are best for dating between 18 and 26. Perhaps if you are in that same age range, but if you are still dating in your 40s you'll want nothing to do with someone that young.
shareLeo is obv carnal-minded. Every woman he has ever dated has been young and attractive. Why would that suddenly change just because he is in his late 40s?