MSNBC ''Morning Joe movie review: Life imitates art!
Anyone remember what happened to the dinosaurs, among other similar mass extinction events? Catastrophic impact from space4 is not any question of '"if"' but indeed merely of "when.'' However, if their review of the Netflix farce: 'Don't Look Up!' the 'Morning Joe' crew, drawing the movies heavy handed metaphor to dysfunctional climate change and pandemic politics, all remained so blithely oblivious to alarming defense unreadiness before the ongoing real life actual natural threat of high speed random collision of our planet with massive asteroids and comets. Indeed, life imitates art! Clearly MSNBC has learned nothing from astronomy and geological history, nor even from recent impacts and near misses. At this juncture, I will not review the movie's own dubious merits and painful cringe humor, nor the glaring scientific and engineering plot holes.