Warning Spoilers

I really enjoyed this a lot, it was a gritty true life feeling film. Until they destroyed it with that tacked add-on happy Hollywood ending.

The entire way they handled the ending is where this film jumped the shark. A Hollywood standoff at the abandoned factory. A more realistic satisfying true ending would have been just for the guy to shot the sister and kill her while stalking her, avoiding the whole ransom cops waiting outside cliche.


I thought it would have made more sense if the guys shot and killed Bullock rather than abducting an innocent person. I get why they hated her and I know that their motive was to hurt her by killing her sister, but prior to that they seemed like normal broken people, not brutal killers. Makes more sense if they killed Bullock rather than her sister imo.


howgamer, I believe the reason he shot the sister was to cause Sandra Bullock the same pain he felt when she killed her father. Just killing Sandra Bullock wasn't punishment enough. He wanted her to feel the lose of a loved one and suffer.


Which is still a huge jump from him telling his brother how stupid and out of control he was when he first suggested going after Bullock's character.

That all changes when they meet and she says "Life moves on." At that point he just decided ok, well I guess I have it in me to MURDER A CHILD NOW... It was just a bit over the top.


Agreed, he went from being the rational one to cold blooded psychopath. And that was even before he caught his wife and brother screwing.


I agree, that part was very far-fetched.


It wasn't her sister though.


It was her sister's sister though.


It was her sister's step-sister. It would cause little pain for Sandra Bullock, but the brothers didn't know that. I thought it was a nice twist, along with finally showing the daughter pulling the trigger.
