MovieChat Forums > Crank: High Voltage (2009) Discussion > What'd you like seeing Chev or anyone el...

What'd you like seeing Chev or anyone else,get subjected to in Crank 3-5

What physical, sexual, mental (or a witty combo of all 3 and anything else) action
film challenges would you like seeing Jason's Chev Chelios character be faced with
(or him doing something to any bad guy/s for a change) in the Crank 3-5 films, if
they get made.


staying awake?


For Crank 3, I'd want to see Chev run on gasoline and have to pull a chain and crank himself up like a human chainsaw, with an actual motor engine in his body.

Id want to see him drinking gallons of gasoline, running at insane speeds.
Why not just make him completely imune to pain where his body is just a wrecking machine driving through walls.

I just love the idea of him having chain crank hanging out of his body, and sum1 pulling it to start him up. He could even steam from the ears.

Imagine sum sex scene with the chick literally pulling and tugging his crank.
also if hes got a motor inside him, his whole body would vibrate. LMAO!
