Started off strong but the quality has been plummeting.
The first two episodes were amazing. Episode three was strong too but it fell apart a little bit in the last few minutes. Episode 4 and 5 have been dull. 4 was basically a porno with dialogue quality to match (the girl playing Daemon's mistress suuuuucks). 5 took the shaky pacing of the show and amped it up to ten. Where things are too slow but they're also too fast. The time jumps are just unsettling. They're not even really explained. They're just there to cause whiplash and rush to the adult Rhaenyra timeline. Characters and storylines are just set up and quickly resolved out of nowhere. Okay, there's a black-mailing schemes going on with Joffrey Velaryon and Crispon Cole. Cool, let's see where this will go....never mind he's dead. Wait, Daemon is married? Okay, that's sudden. But there seems to be some plan behind this, let's see where this is going...never mind she's dead. That opening was weird too, how can a normal 170 lbs guy push over a horse?