One Scene COMPLETELY Ruins This Fine Film (SPOILERS)
Do you know those films you watch that have just one scene that completely ruins the entire flick? Well, this movie has one.
This is a remarkable film - great acting all around and a story that is compelling as hell. And then, BOOM, a scene that completely ruins this flick. For the scene to even work takes an impossible suspension of belief and then, that doesn't even work.
At one point, the midwife is in criminal court and after Martha testifies, she has a roll of film of her baby developed that makes her realize the midwife meant no harm. She then goes back into court and asks to address the court and the judge lets her and when she does, she stands right in the middle of the courtroom and does so. THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN in a US courtroom. Things like that do not happen here and to include that scene completely ruins the movie and shows utter lazy writing. There are ways that could have inserted. For example, she could have gone to the defense counsel and asked him to subpoena her for her little speech.
Yes, some may say this is petty, but for a film that tries to be factual, it has to be factual.