20 minutes was enough

The cover to this movie is the only enticing thing about it; without it, it wouldn't have gotten 20 minutes of my time. It's not about zombies as we're led to believe. Heck, the makeup budget was probably used for the making of the cover. What were the folks at Lionsgate thinking? This flick should've been thrown into the lions den and the writer and director, been given the job to clean up what the lion crapped out. All new lows were reached with this one; so low, that the only place to go from here is up. If you don't believe me and are still curious...get drunk or stoned first; then you'll either fall asleep, pass out or won't remember having made such a stupid choice.


If you think this movie is bad, see "The Slaughter". This movie was extremely enjoyable, well written and had amazing effects if you compare it to "The Slaughter".

I rented both tonight unfortunately. I didn't think this movie was good but compared to the other, I can't even say it was bad. However, the ending of this movie was just plain creepy and just weird. But again, if I compare it to the other movie... the ending of this was frickin' awesome!

"Wipe your mouth, there's still a tiny bit of bullsh!t on your lips."


Well, this proves that b-movie tastes vary a lot depending on the person...

I actually enjoyed "The Slaughter", I thought it was funny. Rise of the dead, instead, seemed quite pretentious to me, but I tend to think low budget horror works better if you mix it with comedy.

And I hated the endind of this movie. I don't gross out easily, but the baby noises the guy was making were too much for me.


I have to agree about it being funny... The Slaughter did have me laughing (especially the jock guy who was dating the blonde girl)

"Wipe your mouth, there's still a tiny bit of bullsh!t on your lips."
