MovieChat Forums > Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Discussion > The movie was okay, but got ridiculous.....

The movie was okay, but got ridiculous... (spoilers)

at the end when Miley pulled her wig off, she was in front of at LEAST 500 people. Are they trying to say that out of ALL those people, not a single person ratted her out? Not even little kids say "oh, I know who hannah really is!" If I was there, I woulda called the news. I don't care about her. Oh and a guy loses her job because his daughters told him not to and miley begged? Those kids better not cry when there is no food on the table.



my point was they were not being realistic. I know it's tv and blah blah, but at LEAST one person would squeal. Then they have her go on for another2 years lol.

"never say never"
"dude, you just said it"



I think the ending just proves how ridiculous this movie actually is. Full of plotholes and with the most hypocritical message I've ever seen.


Your title should rather have been; "This movie was not okay and was really ridiculous from beginning to end"




At least 300 people facebook/twitter/youtubed that sh*t the second she took the wig off! You're telling me no one brought a camera to the concert?
