
Seen this at the Dallas International Film Festival, and it was the most annoyingly petty movie I've ever seen. By the end I just wanted to bickering to stop. It was exhausting. I love Julia Stiles, but I don't know what she was thinking with this script.


I agree..nobody no matter how long you were friends would stay in a room together THAT LONG with so much fighting?!?! I mean was ONE happy moment or thing said throughout the entire movie? The message this movie was trying to give off was lost on me.


It's rating indicates your sentiments. It reminds me of another movie where everyone is a victim of themselves. In this movie, they found other targets for their unhappiness, instead of first looking at themselves. I give the director credit for wanting to show dark secrets and what they do to us. Maybe he wanted to show where values can be rooted these days. I think we are way past the "me generation", and are entering "I'm leaving you behind generation".

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


I am not sure of the name of the movie you are talking about but, it sounds like the movie I am going to describe. Kids are playing at recess and one kid punches another. Both sets of parents get called into the principals office. After that the parents of the kid that got punched have the other parents over, wanting them to get the puncher to apologize to the punchee. By the end of the movie, both parents don't want anything to do with the other parents and the last scene, the 2 kids are playing with each other.

I have 2 sets of twin boys, Pete & Repete and Mark & Remarkable


That is the movie, thanks. It reminds me that we should always check our foundations (core values) for leaks over time. The continued challenge of life can chip away values because we are battle shy, battle weary.

Your second life is never like your first. Sometimes it's even better


You guys are thinking about Carnage (with Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet as the wives). I was reminded of that too, watching this. Despite the title, Carnage was a bit "lighter'' on mood, even had some some broad comedy and funny moments thrown in the mix. I liked both of these movies, but found this one a bit more interesting. I was surprised it didn't get better reviews.


Reminded me of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf


No, that's only because it involves two bickering couples. That's where the similarity ends.

"Woolf" was witty, jarring, dramatic and the plot built up.

This is crap. There is no build up of tension, it has nowhere to go.

