This is a really good movie...
No SJW antics, no undermining the straight-white male leads to push some crappy feminist agenda, and absolutely no quarter given for any of the characters.
This is a hard-boiled crime-thriller the likes of which we don't see made for American audiences very often. This bleak, teeth-cutting saga blends a lot of what Ritchie does well (organized crime drama) with a bit of a revenge-action plot that ties well into a very awesome heist flick.
Man, I was completely blown away by this film's twists and turns and pleasantly surprised at how dark it got toward the end. It reminded me of a better version of Den of Thieves.
I'm also shocked Guy Ritchie made two films, back-to-back, that I scored an 8 out of 10 for completely different reasons. If he makes more films like this (and The Gentleman), I might actually become a fan instead of passing him off as the Cockney version of Quentin Tarantino.