What they are doing is taking a show about a negative, serious subject -death- and giving the subject a lighthearted approach. If they just presented death as the kind of subject it really is, people would be too creeped out to watch it. Especially with deaths like the guy who got trapped in a sewer pipe with the rats that ate right through his head. So this way, they can have creepiness and morbidity with the extra stuff to make it easier for people to keep watching. They get more ratings and Spike can't justify canceling it.
Besides, some ways to die are just funny anyway, such as the guy in bed, asphyxiated by the unconscious fat lady on top of him. They said his face was right between her boobs. What a way to go... if you like fat chicks!
Sometimes though, there were stories I really wish they just didn't do, such as the one mentioned above. They already had similar asphyxiations, so they should have been good enough.