1KWTD slams Glenn Beck

I can't stand this show but I bump into it once in awhile channel surfing and I'll watch a few minutes just to confirm that it's stupid and disgusting (do they really need a doctor explaining what happens when a woman is cut in half by an elevator??).

Anyway, they showed this terrible caricature of a Southern guy (dirty, fat, unshaven, shabby clothes) and the narrator threw in some comments that were meant to describe him as an unstable nut, like he has the "2nd ammendment tattooed on his ass" and "getting his daily dose of Glenn Beck."

Whoa, that was pretty harsh. I'm by no means a Beck follower but I'm sure his huge fan base wouldn't care for this characterization.


What do expect from the hollyweird Liberal left morons?? They are EXTREMELY biased and will make stupid jokes about the right whenever they can. Which is why the left is and forever a bunch of uneducated, unintelligent, biased, pissy and whiny group! It's pathetic really. Yes, there are plenty of morons on the right but I have yet to hear ANY jokes and stupid comments on tv shows, movies, games and music coming from Conservatives and Republicans attacking the left! So I'm not surprised that these dumba$$es would make some stupid joke about Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, George Bush, etc., etc. It just proves how threatened they really are by the right and ultimately by the American people.


I used to get sorta irritated at ignorant useless right wingers...But now over the past few years with the emergence of Palin, Perry, and Bachmann...I just sit back and have a hearty laugh



Ron Paul 2012. Send 0bama to Somalia.

~Says the boss.


Ignorant? Have you tried looking at the left lately? There is more ignorance, racism, hatred and hypocrites spewing from the left than from the right! If anything, the AMERICAN people are laughing at how stupid the Liberal left is! Wake up, face the facts and stop being a mindless sheep!


I hate to break it to you all, but both sides have their share (not necessarily fair) of complete morons and lunatics.


I agree, FCA. And thanks to Facebook, every time I read a comment I agree with, I always look for a "like" button.

"Ya just say bingo..." Lt. Aldo Raine
